"It will teach you about yourself if you are ready and by doing that your health, relationships, professional life etc, whatever you are struggling with will change. Creating a happier life and deep meaningful healthy relationships. Breaking the generational traumas and emotional baggage passed on in families"
"My overall experience was like letting go of a balloon in the air and seeing it flying away. Coaching was not even on my radar. I didn't know what it was, really. But I see this as something everyone should experience. There is so much to gain either as a client or a coach.”
“I had many 'AHA' moments. The course helped me mature and become more aware of my own skills. It was like the beginning of a new life - The phoenix effect!”
“It changed my life and helped me through a journey of in-depth and subtle Self Discovery”
“My entire experience was like a crazy rollercoaster. A journey which has changed my thinking! Insights - a journey with people I had never met before, a journey I will never forget."
“This is my second round and following on from the first training I started to believe in myself as a coach in the first session. A real shift in my belief. The course has been empowering and freeing and I feel like I have started a new journey. I feel like I have gained in my own confidence in all areas of my life."
“The course was like diving off a cliff, floating through the air and plunging into the warm sea full of beautiful sealife. Then we were swimming and discovering all that the sea has to offer. We haven't seen all but now we know how to look. That is what the course taught me."
“I learnt what Coaching really means, connecting to my body and how I would use that with my clients. I discovered so much more about myself."
"The 3 main things I received from the course were to trust 'not knowing', a realisation of self and ability validation and the novel approach of the course. The course is an opening of so many possibilities"
"Life changing. I have realised that the solutions are simple and within us all"
"This is just what I needed at this stage of my life. I no longer feel like I am at a crossroads and I have a clear idea of what I want to do going forward and what's more is that I have a great set of tools to use. Met some pretty amazing people on this journey too. You don't have to want to become a coach to do this course. It's a course that will take you on a journey into yourself."
"Discovery of oneself."
"On the practical side, I've leant about awareness, listening, observing, questioning and confidence. Tapping into the centre of self. This course was like travelling to another country that you hadn't researched - not knowing what to expect, trusting that what would come would be of the best and highest quality. Every corner you turn theres another gem that will take you to a special space. No expectations - Just turn up. See what comes. What an awesome journey with a special group of ladies - I couldn't ask for more. I couldn't have dreamt of a better outcome/journey/learnings, if you'd asked."
"I have taken part in other coaching programmes over the years during my time as a manager in education but I have been moved by the delivery of this training and the course. I have a heightened level of self awareness and a set of skills and competencies to build a successful coaching practise. This course has also been an awakening of the soul!"
We are delivering this on-line programme across EMEA (Europe, the Middle East and Africa)
& South East Asia.
- Are you at a point of transition in your life?
- Is something inside you calling for something to change?
- Are you curious about what your own personal calling is in this world and would you like to follow a path which is true to who you are? Or would you like to align yourself more in the work you currently do?
- Are you a creative who feels stuck?
- Do you need some time for you to explore your world and discover something new?
- Do you have a project you would like to work on over the 6 months?
- Do you want to live into a life, which is liberated from your past?
- Do you want to live into a future which is aligned with who you really are?
- Do you want to take more control over your own life? Particularly during these times?
- Do you want to have more clarity about you and your future?
Then this programme is for you!
What does the course offer?
- An opportunity for you to take a project/business/idea and use it as the basis for your development. Should you choose to.
- The chance to enhance your own Personal and Professional development.
- To learn from quality practitioners. Mahnaz will be the main facilitator on the course, but there will be other guest facilitators who will be supporting the group and delivering learning throughout the course.
- The course is run for 12 days over 6 months. Delegates will continue the learning and practise of coaching in between modules.
- For those who do not have a background in NLP, we also offer some optional sessions which cover the learning and practise of NLP techniques. This is to supplement the coaching and provides extra tools to enhance the Coaching practise. These sessions are facilitated by our Associates.
- Between the last 2 modules, we will have a day of practise with people who are invited from the community. This gives coaches - who by this stage are competent practitioners - a chance to practise their skills with strangers - whilst giving back to the community.
- Previous delegates have included entrepreneurs who have created their own businesses (CICs, charities, Limited companies), while others have continued to work in their professions with a new perspective. We have supported the development of executives, managers, poets, writers, entrepreneurs, therapists, teachers, civil service officials and artists.
- The course consists of a lot of experiential practise (80-90%) and focuses on self development while supporting students in becoming more aware of their role as Coach and Client.
- All delegates will be welcome to join the NoorWorks Coaches Community, to continue practise, develop their skills and network when the training is complete.