Being called to action…

What they don't teach you at Business School…
22 April 2014
The Drummers beat
20 October 2014

I feel compelled to write this blog after attending an excellent workshop this week entitled ‘The He’Art of thriving’.
It was delivered by Kimberly Hare of Kaizen Training and was based on the 3 principles:

  1. Mind
  2. Consciousness
  3. Thought

Living from the inside. Connecting to and trusting our own infinite wisdom.  Not through thinking cognitively but through experiencing and being present and mindful and connected to the wider field and universe. Knowing we can choose our thoughts and either give them life or let them float on by.  The language we use is what works for us, but it’s not important as long as we “get it”.
I’m not even sure that i’m giving  it justice with these words!
The minute I walked into the room I knew I was “home”. I had literally no idea what was going to happen: I had set no prior intention (as I usually do when attending such training) and was just open to whatever came.
But it has given me more than I could have wanted. I feel I am home again, but it feels like a different home.
Towards the end of the final day I got back to the ‘Hows’. How am I going to maintain this outside of this space? (especially with a 2 year old daughter). It was the first night she had spent away from me and although I was concerned about her  she was completely fine and slept the whole night through. So the answer was – it doesn’t matter. All I can do is stay in my light, my wisdom, my connection. Plugged in. The moment will provide the answer, just trust in the infinite wisdom for myself and others – even my beautiful 2 year old daughter. The answer came, and it was like a gravitational pull – effortless. In fact I wrote this on my way back on the train before catching up with other work.
I am hugely grateful to everyone who attended the last few days and feel blessed to have shared the space with every single one of you.
For now, back to the blank canvas……