
The Drummers beat
20 October 2014
For A New Beginning
2 December 2014

As I sit on the train travelling to destination i known nothing about, I watch the commuters, the majority of whom are asleep. Like a herd of cattle moving in line with a process and system that they aren’t even aware of.
It’s been over 10 years since I was part of the commuter rush, and I was once as asleep as they. Not connected to anything except the newspaper or book in my hand. Not daring to speak to another human being – because everyone would think I’m weird and I would stand out disturbing the library silence of strangers rocking back and forward not noticing that the other actually exists.
Who set this all up?
Who put us in this dream state to mould us in this fashion. Minds focused on the news or the task ahead for the day or the beautiful lady who you really don’t want to speak to, but who would actually love for you to approach her and disturb her thoughts about how ugly she is.
Asleep, when there is a source of creative abundance which is available to us at our fingertips, within us, outside us, and waiting to be tapped into. But we’re afraid. Afraid that the energetic flow of money will stop flowing because we have to put our children through an education which will make them the people we never were and more. When the fact of the matter is, they loose their connection to their own creative abundance as they are moved to think from their necks up. Wearing the conformant uniform and learning to think and behave in an acceptable manner. Not connected with their own emotions for fear of being disciplined.
Does anyone really want to be a Robot in society? Just a taste of what’s available to us and we won’t want to go back. The magic, the coincidences, the depth of connection with another human being, the creative abundance and the blank canvas.
The dream becoming a reality.
Life is rarely really lived through a monthly pay check, the label, the chase to the top. There’s always somewhere to get to, a goal. It’s never here. But once the realisation hits that it’s all actually already here, the ease at which things come to us is almost – miraculous.
Life is lived by making a difference to another human being, touching their humanity and listening to their thoughts without judgement, developing a new sense of awareness and just allowing and seeing what comes. And it starts, with us.