Coaching OR Mentoring

The Depths
29 October 2010
Failure is only the beginning
15 December 2010

I’m becoming increasingly more aware that there are a number of differing schools of thought with regards to coaching and mentoring.
Well, here’s my take, which has been shaped very much through personal experience at work and through trainings.
Mentoring is a means of sharing personal experience with someone else in order to help them to achieve a particular goal which the mentor has experience or expertise in. Advise is sought and given with an emphasis on the “How”.
Coaching in its purest form, is the process of eliciting answers from an individual by allowing them to be the driver in their journey. Rather like when Michael Angelo was sculpting David, he said he simply allowed the image of David to come through the stone, much like the soul in a physical body. The emphasis here is the who, the why and the how and is often broader and wider in perspective then the mentoring goals and sometimes inclusive, depending on the coach and their experience.