Quality Vs Quantity?

Are you the sheep or the shepherd?
28 March 2010
Respect, Commitment & Loyalty
28 March 2010

So when you’re looking at value you’re getting from the employees, are you judging this by the quality or the quantity of work they do? Which one is right and which one do you acknowledge in appraisals or indirectly consider for future promotion? Its a personal decision. Which one is right? Well none of them and both of them. The value we put on the human resources depends on the emotional benefit we get from our interaction from them.  Are they fulfilling our needs and making us feel good or supporting us in the direction which is towards that shiny carrot dangling in the future?  The value of your interaction with people is in the emotion, which can change day to day.  When an employee challenges the party line are they being a pain in the butt or are they being innovative? Challenge may simply mean a new idea or waking up to suddenly being aware of the roses and really smelling them.  Leaders will listen and put themselves in another persons shoes, then take time to think before making a decision which is inevitably right for them.